Cañizares debut in Lituania

Cañizares’s concert in Lithuania totally sold out!

In response to the great reception of these concerts, the organisation has decided to organise an additional performance.
Cañizares debut in Lituania
Cañizares ©Amancio Guillén

On 25 August Cañizares will debut in Lithuania. In his long career, Cañizares has visited over 70 countries, parading the beauty and richness of flamenco music, and enthralling audiences that were little acquainted with the genre.

Lithuania is one of the Baltic republics, and has a population of 3.25 million (more or less the same as Madrid) and flamenco concerts are unusual. In fact, the cycle in which this concert is inserted is chiefly made up of classical pieces, but Cañizares’s first concert is expected with great enthusiasm and the tickets sold out two months ago. For this reason, the organisation of the cycle has decided to offer an additional performance so more people can enjoy Cañizares’s music.

Cañizares will play some of his own compositions from albums ‘Cuerdas del Alma’ and ‘El Mito de la Caverna’, as well as some pieces from his album ‘Sonatas de Scarlatti por Cañizares’.

Fiest Concert of Canizares in Lituania
Cañizares ©Amancio Guillén


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